Juice for Kids: Benefits, Guidelines, and 12 Recipes They’ll Actually Love

May 16, 2024

Are you searching for the perfect balance of taste and nutrition for your little ones?

Dive into our article, where we not only unveil delectable and wholesome juice recipes but also provide an in-depth look at the benefits and drawbacks of introducing juices to children. You will also gain insights into the appropriate ages for juice consumption and learn how to determine the perfect serving sizes.

All this info will equip you to make informed choices that spark a lifelong love for health in your children.

When Can You Give Your Child Fruit Juice

The right age to introduce fruit juice to little ones is still controversial.

The American Academy of Pediatrics currently suggests waiting until your child reaches 12 months of age before offering juice, with some studies mentioning 6 months as the youngest age unless otherwise clinically indicated. 

For example, physicians can prescribe juice to infants if they notice nutritional deficiencies and issues like low iron. 

Warning: Sugary sodas don't count as supplementary fluids, so avoid them.

This is because their tiny tummies need time to develop the ability to process the juice's natural sugars and nutrients properly.

Once they hit toddlerhood, juice can be a delightful part of their diet. Still, you should limit excessive fruit juice consumption to avoid the risk of tooth decay and even cardiovascular issues. Although fruits have natural sugars, they may still affect your kids’ tiny bodies.



Opt for homemade juice, which means you control the ingredients and can avoid extra sugar or unwanted additives. 

Pro tip: A small serving of fruit juice with water can make it gentler on your kids’ systems, so it can be a refreshing and nourishing addition to their healthy diet.

Benefits of Juice for Kids

Fresh juices can be a tasty and nutritious part of a child's diet when consumed in moderation. Here are some health benefits your kid can reap:

  • Essential vitamins: Juices from fresh fruit and vegetables provide essential vitamins, including a good source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). This vitamin facilitates iron absorption and is vital for a healthy immune system. With Hurom juicers, though, you can even squeeze nuts and seeds to get more nutrients.
  • Better digestion: Some children can be colicky even after 12 months until their digestive systems become more efficient. Vegetable juices contain prebiotics, such as polyphenols, oligosaccharides, and nitrates, that assist gut health and prevent pain.
  • Hydration: Some toddlers are picky about drinking plain water. Well, adding a spoon of juice with water can help keep your fussy one hydrated. That’s definitely a refreshing alternative to sugary sodas or other sweet drinks.
  • Antioxidant properties: Some fruit drinks, such as blueberry juice or grape juice, are rich in antioxidants, offering cell-protective and anti-inflammatory properties. These juices support cardiovascular health as well as overall immunity.
  • Daily fruit and vegetable servings: Let's face it; it's easier to help kids meet their daily fruit servings than vegetable servings. Luckily, homemade juice can at least ensure your child drinks the recommended daily servings of veggies so they get the required variety of nutrients for optimal health.
  • Learning healthy habits: When mixed with fruit juices, certain vegetable juices can introduce kids to new flavors in a more palatable way. As a result, your child may be more open to trying whole veggies and, thus, reap their health-promoting properties.

Pro tip: If you want your child to get all these healthy nutrients, Hurom designs juicers with cold-press technology, which mimics manual squeezing.


How Much Juice Can Children Have?

Determining the right amount of juice per day is key to helping your kids maintain a balanced diet. Here's a guideline based on age according to the American Academy of Pediatrics:

  • Children ages 1 to 3: The maximum limit is 4 ounces of juice, meaning half a cup, unless your physician recommends otherwise.
  • Children ages 4 to 6: A daily intake of 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup, meaning about 4 to 6 ounces of juice ensures that juice supplements your kids’ diet without overshadowing the essential nutrients they get from whole fruits and vegetables.
  • Children ages 7 to 18: As they grow, your children’s daily fruit juice intake can increase to 1 cup or 8 ounces. This aligns with the broader dietary guidelines that advocate for a diverse intake of fruits and vegetables each day.

Tips for Parents

For parents aiming to provide healthier juice options for their kids, here are some practical tips:

  • Understand concentrated juices: Juices made from concentrate and labeled "reconstituted 100% fruit juices" are still 100% juice but have had water added back after processing. Always check the ingredient list and nutritional facts to understand what you're buying.
  • Avoid added sugars: Opt for juices without added sugars to reduce the risk of tooth decay and other health issues. Natural sugars from fruits and vegetables are sufficient.
  • Watch sodium levels: Choose juices with low sodium content to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Homemade is best: Juice bars are typically trustworthy, and you can definitely find some healthy packaged drinks. But, whenever possible, make juice at home to control ingredients and ensure freshness.
  • Age-specific limits: Follow the age-appropriate nutritional guidelines above, limiting to 4 ounces for ages 1 to 3, 4 to 6 ounces for ages 4 to 6, and up to 8 ounces for ages 7 to 18.
  • Encourage the consumption of whole fruits and veggies: Don’t replace whole fruits and vegetables with juice. Juice is a great way to sneak more veggies into your kids’ diet, but they also need insoluble fiber from fresh produce.


Tasty Juice Recipes for Children

Now that you know all that, you’re ready to continue with the section you’re here for: the juice recipes.

1. Apple Beetroot Juice

Ingredients: 1 apple, 3 large beetroots

Recipe: Juice both ingredients for a sweet, earthy drink. A cold-press juicer like the Hurom H400 Easy Clean Slow Juicer is perfect for tougher vegetables like beetroot. Otherwise, consider adding milk, strawberries, or citrus juice to help your juicer mince these ingredients.

Why it's good: This juice is rich in antioxidants and helps in detoxification, promoting a healthy liver. Besides, beets make your juice sweeter, so your kids will love that.

2. Kale Kiwi Juice

Ingredients: A handful of kale leaves, 2 kiwis, 1 pear

Recipe: Put all ingredients in your juicer until smooth for a nutrient-packed drink.

Why it's good: It provides essential vitamins and minerals, supporting immune health and digestion.

3. Honeydew Melon Cucumber Juice

Ingredients: 2 cups honeydew melon, 2 cucumbers

Recipe: Cut the ingredients and place them in your juicer for a hydrating and refreshing drink.

Why it's good: High in hydration and rich in vitamin C, it's perfect for a hot day and supports healthy skin.

4. Strawberry Basil Juice

Ingredients: 1 cup strawberries, a handful of basil leaves, 1 orange, 7 leaves of green salad, 1 carrot – peeled, 1 cucumber

Recipe: This one’s easier because the prep time is lower. Basically, you’ll add all the ingredients in your juicer for a sweet, tangy, and aromatic drink.

Why it's good: The juice is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which aid in iron absorption and provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

5. Watermelon Kale Juice

Ingredients: 1 cup watermelon, a handful of kale leaves, 1 lime

Recipe: Juice all ingredients, adding a squeeze of lime for a refreshing twist.

Why it's good: This juice is hydrating, rich in iron, and perfect for supporting healthy blood circulation.

6. Carrot Orange Ginger Juice

Ingredients: 3 carrots, 1 orange, a piece of ginger

Recipe: Place the cut carrots and oranges in your juicer to get that zingy, immune-boosting drink. 

Why it's good: A great source of vitamin C and antioxidants, it aids digestion and boosts immunity.

7. Raspberry Celery Melon Juice

Ingredients: Half a cup of raspberries, 2 stalks of celery, a cup of Brussel sprouts, a cup of red melon

Recipe: Juice all ingredients for a refreshing drink. Remember you need a solid juicer for celery to maximize the juice yield and ensure your little one gets all the nutrients.

Why it's good: This juice provides essential vitamins and minerals, promoting healthy skin and upping your kid’s fiber intake.

8. Pineapple Parsley Juice

Ingredients: 1 cup pineapple, a handful of parsley, 2 stalks of celery, 1 cucumber

Recipe: Juice all ingredients for a tropical, detoxifying drink. You can add a slice of lemon to make the drink more aromatic.

Why it's good: Rich in digestive enzymes and vitamin C, it supports digestion and immunity.

9. Tomato Basil Red Mango Juice

Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, a handful of basil leaves, 1/2 a cup of mango

Recipe: Juice tomatoes, mango, and basil leaves together to obtain a savory, nutrient-rich drink.

Why it's good: High in antioxidants and vitamin C, it supports heart health and provides anti-inflammatory benefits.

10. Pear Spinach Juice

Ingredients: 3 pears, a handful of spinach leaves

Recipe: These ingredients are easy to juice, and you’ll get a sweet, nutrient-packed drink. Consider sprinkling some turmeric powder over the glass of juice if your child likes it.

Why it's good: Supports digestion and provides a boost of essential nutrients for growing bodies.

11. Berry Broccoli Juice

Ingredients: 1 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), 1 cup broccoli florets

Recipe: Juice all ingredients for a sweet yet nutritious drink. Add a teaspoon of manuka honey and even a few leaves of mint.

Why it's good: This juice is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, aiding digestion and boosting the immune system.

12. Zucchini Lemon Berry Juice

Ingredients: Half a cup of zucchini, 1 tbsp of lemon, 1 cup mixed berries

Recipe: Pre-cut and add the ingredients to your juicer for a light, detoxifying, fruity drink. The amounts above are good for several servings.

Why it's good: High in dietary fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, it supports digestion and provides a refreshing hydration boost.

Wrapping Up

In exploring the colorful and nutritious world of juicing for kids, we've journeyed through the joys and considerations of introducing fresh juices into their diets. 

As we embrace the benefits and navigate the nuances of juicing, we should also ensure that every juice drop retains its ingredients' wholesome goodness.

This is where Hurom steps in. 

Our cold-press juicers are meticulously designed to preserve the integrity of every nutrient, ensuring that the juices you serve are not just delicious but are brimming with the health benefits your family deserves. 

We invite you to visit the Hurom shop, where health meets innovation, and discover how our appliances can become your ally in nurturing a healthier future for your children. 

Let's squeeze the most out of nature's bounty, one glass of juice at a time.