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We teamed up in the kitchen with Sur La Table and Katie Couric's new online cooking show, Full Plate,
to cook up delicious and healthy recipes for busy people with a lot on their plate.
2 tomates medianos (sin semillas y picados) 1 pimiento rojo (sin semillas y picado) 1 zanahoria grande (pelada y picada)
Otros ingredientes
2 cucharaditas de aceite de semilla de uva 16 vieiras, secadas 1 chalota grande, picada 2 dientes de ajo picados 1 onza de queso crema 1 cucharadita de pimentón ahumado 1 cebolleta cortada en rodajas finas para decorar Pimienta negra molida gruesa, al gusto (opcional)
Cocine la coliflor en agua hirviendo hasta que esté tierna.
Exprime el pimiento (sin el corazón), las zanahorias cortadas en rodajas y los tomates sin semillas con el exprimidor HZ. Reserva el jugo para más tarde.
Añade aceite de semilla de uva a una sartén mediana. Una vez caliente, dora las vieiras en el sentido de las agujas del reloj (para saber cuándo retirarlas una vez que estén cocidas). Retira y reserva la sartén.
Añade queso crema, pimentón, parmesano y ajo picado a la coliflor cocida. Mezcla bien.
Agregue cebolla, sal y jugo a la sartén donde se cocinaron las vieiras a fuego lento.
Arme el plato con sémola de coliflor primero y luego con las vieiras. Rocíe con la salsa, adorne con chalotes y disfrute.
Consejos y trucos
¡No tires la pulpa de tu jugo! Agrégalo a albóndigas, salsa de tomate, hamburguesas de verduras o de pavo para darle un toque extra de sabor, humedad y nutrientes. Prueba nuestra receta de albóndigas de pavo al estilo mediterráneo.
El pimentón ahumado imita el sabor ahumado del tocino sin las calorías adicionales.
Unas cucharadas de queso crema sustituyen a la mantequilla y la crema agria habituales en el puré de patatas. Una pequeña cantidad rinde mucho.
Vieiras a la plancha y sémola de coliflor
Join Katie, John, Sur La Table National Chef Joel Gamoran, and special guest Chilina Kennedy (Broadway superstar of “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical”) as they put a spin on a seafood classic.
The Hurom HZ Slow Juicer has taste and pulp control. The control lever and fine and course strainers allow you to control the amount of pulp to suit your taste.
Chuletas de cordero marroquí con cuscús verde y tahini
Ingredientes del exprimidor
1 manojo pequeño de cilantro 1 manojo pequeño de perejil de hoja plana ½ manojo pequeño de menta 1 taza de cuscús integral 1 taza de guisantes congelados Sal marina y pimienta negra recién molida 1 cucharadita de comino molido ½ cucharadita de pimentón ahumado 8 chuletas de cordero, de aproximadamente 1 pulgada de grosor (aproximadamente 2½ libras) 1 cucharada de aceite de semilla de uva 1 limón, rallado y exprimido, dividido ⅓ taza de tahini
Otros ingredientes
Exprime el cilantro, el perejil y la menta. Coloca 1 taza de jugo en una cacerola pequeña y deja que hierva. Apaga el fuego, agrega el cuscús, los guisantes y una pizca de sal. Tapa y deja reposar durante 10 minutos hasta que se absorba el líquido.
Mientras el cuscús se cuece al vapor, tuesta el comino y el pimentón en una sartén pequeña hasta que desprendan su aroma, durante unos 30 segundos. Calienta el aceite en una sartén grande o parrilla a fuego medio. Sazona las chuletas de cordero con comino, pimentón, sal y pimienta y añádelas a la sartén. Cocina unos 3 minutos por lado para que queden a punto medio (145 °F).
Revuelva el cuscús con un tenedor, agregue la mitad de la ralladura y el jugo de limón, sal y pimienta. Mezcle la ralladura y el jugo de limón restantes con el tahini. Diluya con agua caliente para crear una salsa que se pueda verter. Coloque el cuscús en una fuente grande y cubra con las chuletas de cordero y la salsa de tahini.
Chuletas de cordero marroquí con cuscús verde y tahini
Couscous flavored with freshly juiced greens and a tangy tahini sauce complement rich lamb chops in this bold dish.
Hurom juicer works great with leafy greens. This recipe uses green juice from parsley, mint, and cilantro to create a healthy and flavorful dish. Mix and match different leafy greens to make the perfect juice or sauce.
Sándwich naan de albóndigas de pavo con yogur y verduras encurtidas
Ingredientes del exprimidor
5 piezas de pan naan de grano integral ½ taza de agua 1 tomate mediano, sin semillas y picado 1 zanahoria pelada y picada 1 pimiento rojo, sin semillas y picado 1 libra de pavo molido 1 clara de huevo batida 1 cucharada de orégano fresco picado (o 1 cucharadita de orégano seco) ½ cucharadita de sal marina ½ cucharadita de pimienta negra recién molida 1 cucharada de aceite de semilla de uva 1 taza de yogur griego natural 1 taza de giardiniera (verduras encurtidas italianas), picadas, reservando el líquido 1 corazón de lechuga romana, finamente picado
Otros ingredientes
Calienta el horno a 425 °F. Corta uno de los trozos de naan por la mitad; guarda la otra mitad para otro uso. Córtalo en trozos pequeños y colócalos en un recipiente pequeño con agua.
Exprime el tomate, la zanahoria y el pimiento morrón. Coloca la pulpa de los vegetales en un recipiente grande junto con el pavo; reserva el jugo para otro uso. Agrega la clara de huevo, el orégano, la sal y la pimienta. Exprime el exceso de agua del pan naan en remojo; añádelo al bol con el pavo y mezcla bien. Forma 16 bolas con la mezcla.
Calienta el aceite en una sartén grande a fuego medio. Coloca las albóndigas en la sartén y dóralas hasta que estén doradas, aproximadamente 3 minutos. Da vuelta las albóndigas y coloca la sartén en el horno. Hornea hasta que las albóndigas alcancen una temperatura interna de 165 °F, aproximadamente 10 minutos. Envuelve los 4 naan restantes en papel de aluminio y colócalos en el horno para que se calienten durante unos minutos. Mientras tanto, combina el yogur y 2 cucharadas de líquido de giardiniera.
Para armarlo, esparcir aproximadamente 2 cucharadas de salsa de yogur en cada pita, cubrir con 4 albóndigas, giardiniera picada y un puñado de lechuga romana.
Sándwich naan de albóndigas de pavo con yogur y verduras encurtidas
Katie, John and Joel give the classic meatball sub a run for its money with healthy turkey meatballs, tangy yogurt sauce and giardiniera pickles—all tucked into a piece of naan flatbread.
Carrot Juice Guide: Benefits, Methods & 5 Must-Try Recipes
Drinking carrot juice can transform your daily nutrition in ways you might not expect. While most of us know carrots support healthy vision, fresh carrot juice has a wider range of benefits. From strengthening your immune system to giving your skin a natural glow, this vitamin-rich drink has earned its place in kitchens worldwide.
This guide helps you get started.
We break down everything you need to know about making and enjoying carrot juice, complete with methods that work for every lifestyle.
Let’s dive in.
Health Benefits of Carrot Juice: Helps More Than Just Your Vision
There are several effects of carrot juice you can’t miss. One single glass of this juice:
Has plenty of nutrients:Just one cup of carrot juice offers 94 calories, 2 grams of protein, 22 grams of carbs, and 251% of daily Vitamin A intake.
Improves immunity:Vitamins A and C are antioxidants. They can save your cells from free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body. Carrot juice is an excellent source of these essential nutrients. In addition, Vitamin B6 found in carrot juice benefits your immune system.
Protects you from cancer:Beta carotene, lutein, and polyacetylenes in carrot juice may help your body attack cancer cells.
Helps manage blood sugar:Carrot juice has a low glycemic index, which is great for keeping your sugar level in check. Besides, purple carrots contain anthocyanin pigments with anti-inflammatory benefits that assist blood sugar management.
Strengthens your heart: Potassium, found in carrot juice, protects you from heart diseases because it keeps your blood pressure low. Carrot juice is also rich in antioxidants, as we explained above. These antioxidants have been specifically associated with better heart health.
Protects liver:One of the benefits of carrot juice is linked to liver health. The carotenoids found in this juice may decrease the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). While there are currently only animal studies to ascertain this, it is true that increasing your intake of vegetables, including carrots, can support overall liver health. Carrot juice also contains soluble fiber and other nutrients that promote better digestion, indirectly benefiting the liver by reducing its workload. Including more nutrient-dense, plant-based foods in your diet can further improve liver function and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders associated with NAFLD.
Pro tip:You can get all of these benefits and more by following this simple Hurom carrot juice recipe. You need just a few minutes to prepare it.
Is carrot juice good for you? By now, you probably know the answer. Yes, this juice is fantastic for people. However, you still deserve to know the answers to a few more specific questions.
Is carrot juice good for eyesight?
Even the simplest carrot juice recipe can help protect your eyes. This root vegetable is a rich source of vitamin A, which is essential for eye health. Many studies have discovered that carrots directly decrease the risk of eye diseases linked to age.
Is carrot juice good for skin health?
Vitamin C found in carrot juice is used for collagen production. This ingredient is what makes human skin strong and elastic. As such, carrot juice improves your skin health. The same vitamin also protects your skin from free radicals that can cause premature aging and wrinkles.
Is carrot juice good for kids?
Orange carrot juice is great for kids because it’s packed with vitamins and soluble fiber. As such, it’s a healthy snack. Besides, if a toddler has issues eating whole vegetables or refusing to do so, carrot juice might be the short-term answer. It still provides nutrients, but in a form your kid will enjoy.
Yes, beta-carotene, Vitamin A, and many antioxidants in carrot juice help hair growth. Here’s how it works:
The human body uses beta-carotene to make more Vitamin A, which is then used to regulate sebum production. Sebum is like an oil that moistures your scalp and maintains healthy hair follicles. A well-hydrated scalp reduces dryness, flaking, and irritation, which can create a better environment for hair growth.
Is carrot juice good for weight loss?
One of the benefits of drinking carrot juice is linked to weight loss. First of all, carrots are high in fiber but low in calories, which is ideal when trying to lose weight. Besides, carrot juice is naturally sweet, so it can satisfy sugar cravings in a healthier way than sugary drinks. Basically, fewer cravings mean easier weight loss efforts.
Due to Vitamins A and B, minerals, and magnesium, carrot juice is recommended to pregnant women during all trimesters. For example, vitamin A helps the fetus’ teeth and bone development. For moms, vitamin B gives you more energy, alleviates pregnancy symptoms, and reduces the risk of birth defects.
How Much Carrot Juice is Safe to Drink Daily?
Adults should consume up to two glasses of carrot juice per day, according to multiple studies researching this juice’s benefits.
On the other hand, adults are advised to drink just 4 ounces of carrot juice per day, according to WebMD. That’s about half a glass.
We advise you to drink juice in moderation. Most studies show that 1-2 glasses of any vegetable or fruit juice per day are perfectly fine, but don’t overdo it.
Too much carrot juice can cause carotenemia. This is a temporary condition during which your skin will become yellow or even orange. This occurs due to high levels of beta-carotene you have in the blood when you drink too much juice.
This also means that children should consume carrot juice in even smaller amounts. Here are the specifics:
Children 1-3 years: Up to ½ cup
Children 4-6 years: Up to ¾ cup
6+ and teenagers: 1 cup
How to Make Carrot Juice Without a Juicer
Now you will learn how to make carrot juice in a few different methods. Each one of these methods is simple and requires a few minutes.
Just keep in mind that using a Hurom juicer is a more effective method – you can convince yourself from the video below.
These juicers are designed to extract all of the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins from carrots without damaging them. The methods below might not give you all the nutrients in carrot juice.
How to Make Carrot Juice with a Grater?
Making carrot juice when you don’t own a juicer or even a blender is possible with a garter and this small guide.
2-3 carrots
Wash the carrots.
Shred them using the grater.
Place them in cheesecloth.
Squeeze them over a bowl.
Add water if needed.
How to Make Carrot Juice with a Mortar and Pestle?
Using this method, you can make countless carrot juice recipes and get most of the benefits of the juice.
1-3 carrots
Mortar and pestle
Wash the carrots.
Chop carrots into small pieces.
Place them in the mortar.
Use the pestle to crush the carrots.
Transfer the mixture to cheesecloth.
Strain the mixture.
Add water.
How to Make Carrot Juice with a Blender
To get all of the benefits of carrot juice on an empty stomach in the morning, use a blender. It is the quickest method so far, but not the ideal.
2-3 fresh carrots
1 cup of water
Cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer
Wash the carrots.
Peel them.
Cut carrots into smaller chunks.
Place them in a blender.
Add water.
Strain the mixture.
How To Make Carrot Juice In-House: Guide For Absolute Beginners
Making carrot juice with a juicer is the easiest and the simplest way. If you are a complete beginner, here are the steps and ingredients you need.
2-3 carrots
Wash the carrots and peel them.
Cut them into smaller chunks.
Place a few chunks at a time in the juicer.
Extract the juice.
Pro tip:Add some more fruits and veggies to improve your recipe. For example, NFL player Nick Bosa likes to drink CCA juice, made from cabbage, carrots, and apples.
Watch him and his chef, Ana Machado, explain all this juice’s benefits in the video below:
Common Mistakes To Avoid When Preparing Carrot Juice At Home
When making carrot juice at home, mistakes can happen. Avoid them to make more delicious and healthier juice in less time.
Here’s what to steer clear of:
Not washing the carrots
Pesticides and other chemicals might be on those carrots. Wash them well before you peel them! If you just peel them, some of those chemicals may remain on the carrots.
Leaving the juice at room temperature for too long
Oxidation will break the nutrients and vitamins in the carrot juice if left for too long on the table. This is why carrot juice will change its color if left at room temperature for a long.
If you won’t drink it immediately, store your carrot juice in an airtight container and put it in the fridge.
Pro tip:We’ll give you more juice storage advice in a second.
Drink your carrot juice slowly. It will help you with digestion, and you can enjoy it for much longer.
Making too much carrot juice
If you make too much carrot juice and don’t drink it or batch it correctly, it will lose its health properties and taste. It’s always best to avoid food waste.
Whether you’re making ordinary or Jamaican carrot juice, these tips will help you. After all, you want delicious and healthy juice every single time. Try these when making cabbage carrot juice or other carrot juice recipes, and you will see the difference.
Use smaller carrots
Smaller carrots are more delicious and usually have a sweeter flavor. Using them makes your carrot juice taste better. Yes, it takes more time to make juice from smaller carrots (if you have a centrifugal juicer), but this tip works better than you may think.
However, Hurom juicers have large hoppers, so you can simply add more of these small carrots at once.
Try adding additional ingredients
If you want to experiment and try different recipes, go for it. Adding apples, celery, or mandarin can make a huge difference.
Use organic carrots
The differences are not massive, but organic carrot juice has a lower risk of chemicals and pesticides. You need this if you want your juice to be healthier.
Use a quality juicer
Low-quality juicers don’t extract all the juice from carrots. Besides, making carrot juice with a blender or grater simply means you’ll need to add water, which makes your juice “weak” and diluted.
How You Should Store Your Fresh Carrot Juice
To get the health benefits of carrot juice even after you just made it, you need to know how to store it. Using airtight containers is mandatory. You cannot store fresh carrot juice in a glass or a bowl, or it will oxidize.
Pro tip:Read these awesome juice storage tips to keep your carrot juice fresh for longer.
This airtight container should ideally be made from glass. Place it in the fridge and, ideally, consume the juice within 24-72 hours if you’re using a cold-press juicer. Juice made with centrifugal juicers oxidizes faster, so it doesn’t stay fresh as long. However, you can keep the juice in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. After that time frame, the health benefits of your juice will start to decline.
5 Delicious Homemade Carrot Juice Recipes
There are many carrot juice recipes out there you can try. Here are some of the best ones.
1. Carrot Orange Zinger
One cup of this fresh juice is packed with immune-boosting vitamin C and antioxidants to keep you energized.
4 medium carrots, peeled
2 oranges, peeled
1-inch piece of ginger
1/2 lemon, peeled
Wash and prepare all ingredients.
Feed the carrots, oranges, ginger, and lemon through a juicer.
Pour into a glass, stir well, and enjoy.
2. Carrot and Ginger Juice
It’s one of the most common and the most popular recipes out there, especially if you’re interested in boosting your immune system or digestive health
Ginger root
Wash the ingredients.
Cut them into pieces.
Use a juicer to extract the juice.
Add ice (optional).
3. Green Glow Carrot Juice
This detoxifying blend of carrots, cucumber, and spinach is loaded with nutrients that support liver health and digestion.
4 medium carrots, peeled
1 cucumber, peeled
2 handfuls of spinach
1 green apple, cored
1/2 inch fresh turmeric (optional)
Wash and prepare all ingredients.
Add the carrots, cucumber, spinach, apple, and turmeric to a juicer.
Serve immediately for a nutrient-packed drink.
4. Tropical Carrot Delight
A sweet and creamy mix of carrot, pineapple, and coconut water, perfect for hydration and muscle recovery.
3 medium carrots, peeled
1 cup pineapple chunks
1/2 cup coconut water
1/2 lime, peeled
Wash and prepare all ingredients.
Juice the carrots, pineapple, and lime together.
Stir in coconut water and enjoy chilled.
5. Beetroot Bliss Carrot Juice
This carrot and beetroot juice is rich in nitrates and antioxidants. As such, it’s great for improving circulation and heart health.
3 medium carrots, peeled
1 medium beetroot, peeled
1 apple, cored
1-inch piece of ginger
Wash and prepare all ingredients.
Juice the carrots, beetroot, apple, and ginger together.
Pour into a glass and enjoy the earthy sweetness.
The Final Word
Making and enjoying carrot juice is something all of us should do more of. The reasons are obvious: it’s a delicious beverage that offers numerous health benefits to all of us. And the fact that you can try different recipes is also why so many people love carrot juice. Try it and become one of them.
However, you need the right juicer for carrots, so take our juicer quiz and see what fits!
Can I drink carrot juice every single day?
Yes, you can drink carrot juice every single day in moderation. Adults can consume up to 2 glasses of this juice per day. The amount is smaller for children.
What fruit will be the perfect addition to carrot juice?
There are many options available. Some great examples include oranges, apples, pineapple, and many more. Try to see which one tastes better. Or, consider the health benefits these fruits have.
How many carrots do I need for one cup of carrot juice?
In general, you need 10-11 carrots to make one glass of juice. But this depends on the size of the carrots and the juicer you own. With Hurom juicers, for example, you can make 30-50% more juice from the same amount of produce.
Does carrot juice detoxify the body?
Carrot juice contains antioxidants like beta-carotene, which may support the body’s natural detoxification processes. However, it doesn’t "detoxify" the body directly. Detoxification is primarily managed by the liver and kidneys.
Is carrot juice high in sugar?
Carrot juice does contain natural sugars, typically around 9-12 grams per cup (240ml). To put this into perspective, current guidelines suggest a maximum of 25 grams of sugar for women and 36 grams for men. While carrot juice isn’t excessively high in sugar, it’s important to consume it in moderation.
Can I drink carrot juice before bed?
Yes, carrot juice can be consumed before bed. Its natural sweetness may satisfy late-night cravings, and the beta-carotene content supports overall health. However, avoid drinking excessive amounts because it could affect blood sugar levels.
What time is best to drink carrot juice?
The best time to drink carrot juice is in the morning on an empty stomach or as a midday snack. This allows your body to absorb the nutrients efficiently and increases energy levels.
Is it better to eat carrots or drink carrot juice?
Eating whole carrots provides more insoluble fiber, which supports digestion and satiety. Drinking carrot juice delivers concentrated nutrients and soluble fiber, so a balance of both is ideal for a healthy diet.
Christmas juice recipes might be the perfect option to create lasting memories this holiday.
With Christmas being one of the most special times of the year, you are likely going above and beyond to make every gathering perfect for your loved ones.
Creating an unforgettable memory does not need to be that hard or time-consuming. These 8 Christmas juice recipes will create an unforgettable experience at every party.
Additionally, they are easy to make and packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
So, raise your cup to an unforgettable holiday season.
Why Juices Are Perfect for Christmas
Juicing is an all-time healthy habit, not just during the winter holidays. And while we don’t typically associate juices with these holidays, a lot of punches and beverages are made of juice.
We will share with you healthy juices (other than your typical orange juice) that serve as holiday treats and pick-me-ups that go well with Christmas flavors.
1. Non-Alcoholic Blood Orange Christmas Punch
Traditional punches often rely on store-bought fruit juices (like cranberry juice) or even package powder mixes that can be loaded with processed sugars and preservatives.
This is our take on the classic festive Christmas drink, preserving the antioxidant benefit of cranberries but with no alcohol and a rich, deep red color from blood orange juice.
Our Hurom H320 will help you make it extra healthy and smooth by leaving all the pulp behind.
This recipe is also an excellent option if you're looking for sweet and healthy larger batches of juice to drink over the week.
Ingredients: (Serves 8)
9 blood oranges
8 regular oranges
Half of a small pineapple
2 large apples
2 ½ cups of fresh cranberries
4 sprigs of rosemary
2 cinnamon sticks
1 cup of ice
Peel all your regular and blood oranges and cut your pineapple in half. You can also Peel your apples (optional).
Wash your fresh cranberries.
Reserve one blood orange and ½ cup of cranberries for garnish.
Add all your peeled fruit to your Hurom H320 and let it juice.
Once your juice is made, transfer it to a big glass bowl.
Cut your reserved blood orange into thin slices and add it to the bowl.
Add your 2 cups and ½ of cranberries.
Add the fresh rosemary and cinnamon.
Add the ice and let it cool for an hour so the fresh rosemary sprigs and cinnamon infuse into the flavors of the punch.
Pro tip: Turn your Christmas punch into a Christmas smoothy with our High-Speed Blender. Or make a pomegranate-cranberry juice blend by adding pomegranate seeds and ice into the mix.
2. Easy Christmas Pick-Me-Up Juice
The holidays can be a chaotic time for many, and sometimes you just need a quick and easy drink.
If you are just starting slow juicing, this is a perfect recipe for beginners who want a detox drink with a holiday feel to it.
This is an easypick-me-up juice that you can make in less than 5 minutes and be on your merry way.
Perfect to give you energy for an active morning or a long night with the family.
Ingredients: (serves 2)
2 red apples
1 large beet
A pinch of ginger (optional)
Remove the skin of the beet and cut the root off.
Add the beet and the apples to your juicer.
Add the ginger piece for the spicy Christmas flavor.
Pro tip: Use the Hurom H70 Easy-Clean Slow Juicer for fast and simple recipes like this one — this juicer’s hopper is larger than other juicers, reducing prep time to almost nothing.
3. Green Grinch Juice for Kids
Feeding fruits and veggies to kids can be a challenge; at Christmas time, when friends and family bring all kinds of sweets, it can become extra hard.
Juices for kids can be the perfect solution for this seasonal problem. The creamy Grinch juice recipe is the perfect balance between healthy and fun.
This green beverage is packed with vitamins and has a sweet taste that your kids are going to love.
Additionally, this drink for kids involves some prepping time that serves as the perfect excuse to involve your little ones in a fun learning activity.
Ingredients: (Serves 2)
1 large mango
½ of a green apple
2 handfuls of baby spinach
½ of a banana
4 cashews
A tablespoon of almond butter
¼ cup of water
Peel and cut your mango.
Cut your apple in half.
Peel and cut your banana.
Add all your ingredients to your Hurom and juice.
Pro Tip: Our Hurom H400 is the perfect option; its technology extracts all soluble fibers, vitamins, and minerals from their veggies to your juice, ensuring kids get all the nutrients.
4. Santa’s Back To The North Pole Juice
We know how much Santa loves milk and cookies, but what about fruits and veggies?
One way of teaching kids from a young age to be healthy is by setting an example in everything you do.
This is our take on Santa's treat, making it more refreshing and energizing for his long ride back to the North Pole.
Additionally, this is full of vitamins to prevent colds and boost the immune system to ensure Santa returns home healthy.
Ingredients: (serves 1)
1 pomegranates
½ of a cup of red grapes
2 oranges
1 carrot
⅓ of a cup of shredded coconut
Peel your orange and pomegranate.
Add all the ingredients to your Hurom and let it juice.
Add shredded coconut to the rim of your glass for a fun garnish.
Serve with a side of nuts for Santa to enjoy.
5. Detox Christmas Juice
Christmas is a time to celebrate and enjoy, and a lot of us tend to do so with food. After the holidays, it’s common to feel heavy, bloated, and tired due to an excess of sugary and processed foods.
This juice beverage is for those who are looking for detox recipes or want to start their weight loss resolution for the New Year.
This will give your body a much-needed break from the Christmas meals since they are packed with debloating ingredients that will speed up your digestive system.
Ingredients: (Serves 1)
7 to 10 large stickers of celery
1 small cucumber
1 nob of ginger
½ cup of pineapple
4 leaves of mint
1 lemon or fresh lime
Wash all your fruits and veggies.
Peel the skin of your ginger.
Optional: peel your cucumber.
Add all your ingredients to your Hurom (minus the lemon) and juice.
Slice your lemon.
Serve and decorate your glass with a wheel.
6. Dessert Ginger Juice for The Whole Family
If you are looking for Christmas Eve juice recipes that taste like dessert, this is the drink for you.
Having juice for dessert might not be a common thing, but it’s a healthy habit that you and your family can start implementing this holiday.
This juice is also a good way to start Christmas day on the right foot since it’s packed with healthy sugar and protein.
We guarantee this will keep you energized and productive for the whole morning.
Serve and add some star anise and cranberries for decoration.
7. Lemon Juice for Dinner
This is a drink full of bright flavor with a festive touch for those who are seeking Christmas juices to accompany their dinner.
Citrus flavors are always great for pairing with dinners. This juice goes especially well with Turkey, a homemade lasagña, or some Christmas ham.
Basically, this refreshing lemon juice will make your evening even tastier.
Additionally, lemons are a great aid in preventing and reducing bloating. This combination of cucumber and lemon is the perfect light drink for dinner.
Ingredients: (Serves 6)
20 lemons
4 large cucumbers
1 cup of mint leaves
3 green tea bags
Optional: Honey (to taste)
2 tbsp of salt
Around 40 minutes to an hour before dinner, take an ice cube mold and fill each space with 2 or 4 mint leaves. Add water and let it freeze.
20 minutes before preparing your juice, boil 3 cups of water and add your teabags. You can add honey for sweetness while hot. Let it chill out at room temperature.
Cut your lemons in half and remove all the seeds with the tip of a knife.
Add your lemons and cucumbers to your Hurom (you don’t need to peel any of them).
Once the juice is done, mix it with the green tea and add mint ice.
Garnish with lemon and salt.
Pro tip: If you are a fan of experimenting with flavors, textures, and types of juices like this one, check out other fun recipes that you can do with leftover pulp, and don’t let anything go to waste.
8. White Christmas Juice
Lastly, for lovers of white wine and mildly sweet and sophisticated flavors, this cold drink will become your new holiday favorite.
If you wish for a non-alcoholic drink for a toast, want a sober night, or just wish for a smooth and silky drink, look no further than this Christmas juice.
The flavor of pear with the harshness of clove makes for an experience of flavors that you can’t miss.
Additionally, this drink is full of fiber and nutrients that won’t make you feel heavy or bloated the morning after.
Ingredients: (serves 1)
1 ½ pears
¼ red apple
2 cinnamon sticks
3 small pieces of clove
½ lemon
Around 40 minutes to an hour before preparation, boil a cup of water with the cinnamon until it reduces to ⅓ cup and let it chill at room temperature.
Remove the seeds and core of the pears.
Add the pears, apple to your juicer.
Once it’s done, mix the juice with your cinnamon-water reduction.
Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice to enhance the flavors.
Crush your cloves, sprinkle them into your juice, and enjoy.
Beyond Christmas Juice Recipes
Yes, Christmas juices are a healthy option for your holiday parties and a new way of making fun drinks, but juices are not the only way you can use your Hurom this Christmas.
Here are 3 festive bonus recipes you can make other than juice.
Cinnamon Almond Milk
Almond milk is a favorite among Hurmo users, and for good reason! Our slow juicer provides clean almond milk free of chemicals and processed artificial sugar.
Place almonds in a bowl and cover them with water, letting them soak overnight or for 6–8 hours. This softens the almonds, making them ideal for juicing. Use 1 cup of almonds to yield approximately 1 cup of almond milk.
Drain the soaking water and thoroughly rinse the almonds. Refill the bowl with fresh water.
Start your slow juicer and use a ladle to alternate adding equal parts of almonds and water into the juicer.
Continue until all the almonds and water have been processed.
Watch as the almonds transform into creamy milk flowing from the juicer.
This almond milk follows our original recipe, but add a few sticks of crushed cinnamon to improve the taste at the end of the process.
Cranberry Sauce
Sick of the same orange juice and seasonal cranberry juice? Try this sauce instead!
Ingredients (for 10 people):
15 cups of cranberries
5 cup of apples
1 cup of ginger
2.5 cups of tangerines
Clean and prepare all the ingredients for juicing.
Juice the cranberries, apples, ginger, and tangerines. For texture, use a fine strainer for a smoother result or a coarse strainer for a chunkier one.
After juicing, combine the pulp and juice in a pot over medium-high heat. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add cinnamon and nutmeg for added spice while it simmers.
Once ready, use the sauce as a topping for waffles or store it in sterilized jars for future use!
From Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve, cranberries are the life and center of any holiday recipe, so it’s no surprise to find ourselves with bowls full of fresh cranberries.
This is one of the many options you have to transform your leftover fruit into sauces.
Christmas Tea
In these cold seasons, tea seems to be the perfect drink to sip in front of the chimney. This is how you can use your fruit pulp to make your teas even better.
Make your tea of choice; we recommend black or jasmine tea leaves to mix with sweet fruits like apples, pears, pineapple, or grapes. Also, add a tablespoon of your favorite fruit pulp into the mix from the get-go.
This delicious creation is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth or bring light to your holiday gathering.
Make The Most Incredible Seasonal Flavors With Hurom
There's no shortage of fresh fruits and roots to incorporate into your holiday drinks. And the best way to do so is with a Hurom juicer.
This holiday, show your party guests how much you care by giving health and energy. Hurom juicers make it easy to create healthy and delicious holiday party drinks.
Not sure which one to choose? Take our quiz and get a personalized recommendation that caters to your needs. Make your holidays unforgettable with Hurom Juicers.
How to Make Cold-Pressed Juice Without a Juicer (And with One!)
If you want fresh, nutrient-packed juice at home, you’re on the right page.
We’ll teach you all our secrets on how to make cold-pressed juice.
We’ll talk about all of this in a second, but cold-pressed juice keeps all the good stuff intact—vitamins, minerals, natural flavor—without the added heat that traditional juicers use.
Basically, we’ll go over everything from choosing the right ingredients to storing your juice so it lasts (because, let’s be real, fresh juice doesn’t stay fresh forever).
And whether you’re new to juicing or a longtime fan, we’ll share a few tips and recipes to make the process even easier.
Is Cold-Pressed Juice Good for You?
Cold-pressed juice is packed with natural health benefits because you’re basically adding more nutrients to your diet.
We love the entire cold pressing process because it keeps out excess heat, which damages essential nutrients. And that’s a massive problem with high-speed juicing.
The point is to get the right nutrient content with all the good stuff, like vitamins and minerals. These healthy fruits and veggies will give you:
More energy for your day-to-day life or before a workout
A quick source of vitamins and minerals that’s easy to digest
Better immunity because you’re getting undamaged antioxidants
Healthier digestive system thanks to all that soluble fiber
Better eye health
Shinier, stronger hair and nails
Improved skin health
Besides, you get a delicious juice that looks more vibrant, tastes fresher, and lasts longer.
Like so:
And yes, it’s cold-pressed juice in the right-hand glass – that color and nutrients are exactly what you want for you and your family.
The Right Ingredients for Cold-Pressed Juice
We always say that the best cold-pressed juices start with fresh, high-quality ingredients.
We advise you to test a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens and root vegetables. The point (as always) is to create a nutrient-dense juice that’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Pro tip: Tropical fruits like mango and pineapple add natural sweetness, while softer fruits like berries make the juice smoother. And, of course, more flavorful.
So, if you want to get that balanced mix of flavors and nutrients, combine fresh fruit, root vegetables, and tough stems like kale or spinach in your juice.
Mixing up your ingredients:
Adds more variety to your diet, which is important because that ensures digestive health. Besides, the digestive system is basically the home of 70-80% of your immunity.
Different types of juices offer different health benefits. For example, green juices are great for detoxifying, while fruit blends give you a lot of energy before a workout.
That brings us to the next question (and trust us, we get asked this A LOT):
How Many Fruits and Veggies Go into a Cup of Juice?
We’d love to give you one clear-cut number, but things are a little bit more complicated.
The amount of produce you need for a single cup of juice varies a lot depending on what you’re juicing. To break it down:
Juicy produce (like grapes, berries, cucumbers, or apples): About one pound makes a cup.
Leafy greens (like spinach, lettuce, or wheatgrass): You need nearly two pounds per cup.
Herbs (like parsley): Four to eight bunches per cup—talk about concentrated flavor!
Roots (like carrots, beets, and ginger): These tougher veggies require closer to 1.5 to 2 pounds per cup of juice, as they have a lower water content.
How to Make Cold-Pressed Juice Without a Juicer
Even if you don’t have the best cold-press juicer at home, you can still make cold-pressed juice with a few simple tools.
You can try these options:
Option 1 (with a blender):
Gather your ingredients: Start with your favorite fruits and veggies. For leafy greens or tougher ingredients like stalks of celery, chop them up with a sharp knife, so they’re easier to blend.
Blend with a bit of water: Put everything into a food processor or blender, adding a splash of plain water to help the juicing process. Blend until it’s as smooth as possible.
Strain the juice: Pour the mixture through a fine strainer or cheesecloth into a bowl. Use the back of a spoon to press down on the pulp, squeezing out every bit of nutrient-dense juice.
Pour and store: Transfer the juice into a mason jar or glass bottle. Cold-pressed juice doesn’t have preservatives, so try to drink it within 72 hours to keep it fresh and full of flavor. Keep it in the fridge in the meantime!
Option 2 (no machine):
Gather and prep Your Ingredients: Choose your favorite fruits, veggies, and leafy greens. Chop everything as finely as possible using a sharp knife—this will help you release more juice. For leafy greens or tough ingredients like celery, chop them extra small.
Mash the ingredients by hand: Place your chopped ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Use a pestle, a sturdy potato masher, or the back of a spoon to crush and mash the ingredients thoroughly. Keep mashing until you see juice starting to form.
Press Through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer: Take a large piece of cheesecloth or a fine strainer and place it over another bowl. Pour the mashed mixture into the cheesecloth, then twist and squeeze it tightly to extract the juice. Use your hands to press down and squeeze out every drop of juice from the pulp.
As you can see, this option needs a bit more elbow grease and more ingredients.
But here’s a simpler way to do it:
How to Make Cold Pressed Juice with a Juicer
If you’ve got a slow juicer on hand, making cold-pressed juice is as easy as it gets. Just a few simple steps, and you’ll have fresh juice that’s nutrient-dense and full of flavor. Here’s how we do it:
Gather and wash your ingredients: No need for chopping with most Hurom juicers because they have wide feed chutes that handle whole fruits and veggies. Yes, even leafy greens and root vegetables. Just wash everything thoroughly to remove any dirt or residues.
Add ingredients to the juicer: Place your fruits and vegetables directly into the feed chute. Start with softer produce like soft fruits, then add tougher ingredients like carrots or beets for a balanced juice. Your juicer will handle the rest, separating the juice from the pulp, which goes straight into the pulp container.
Collect and store: Pour the juice into a glass. You’ll want to drink it right away to enjoy peak flavor and nutrients, but if you’re saving it for later, store it in the fridge and aim to drink it within 48–72 hours.
Quick clean-up: A lot of our Hurom juicers are built with the patented Easy-Clean Technology, so rinsing is a breeze. Just disassemble the parts and rinse them under a stream of cold water. No scrubbing, no hassle—just a quick rinse, and your juicer is ready for the next batch.
Side note: That’s why we like to say Hurom makes healthy living easy!
Best Cold-Pressed Juice Recipes
Here are some tried-and-true recipes to help you make delicious, nutrient-dense juice at home. Each recipe yields about one to two servings and brings out the best flavors and benefits from your ingredients.
Green Power Fusion
1 Bunch Celery
2 Bunches Kale
1 Cucumber
2 Limes
1 Apples
¼ Cup Parsley
Pro tip: This is one of Nick Bosa’s favorite recipes. In fact, Nick uses Hurom juicers to power up his workout routine and diet.
Tropical Refresh
1 cup pineapple chunks
1/2 mango, peeled and chopped
1 orange, peeled
1 cup leafy greens (kale or spinach work well)
Root Revival
3 medium carrots, chopped
1 medium beet, peeled and chopped
1-inch piece of ginger
1 apple, cored and chopped
Berry Blast
1 cup strawberries, hulled
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup raspberries
1 handful of mint leaves
CCA Juice
1 Head Cabbage
2 Large Carrots
2 Apples
This is also one of Nick Bosa’s favorite recipes.
How to Make Cold Pressed Juice Last Longer
Fresh, cold-pressed juice is best enjoyed right away.
But we know life is never that easy. So, we’ll share a few tricks to make sure each batch of juice lasts longer.
Use glass bottles or jars: Tightly sealed glass containers like mason jars prevent oxidation and keep the juice fresh longer.
Fill to the top: Minimize air exposure by filling the container to the very top before sealing it. Less air means less oxidation, which is what degrades the nutritional content.
Keep it cold: Store the juice at a steady temperature in the coldest part of your fridge. For best results, aim to keep it at 34-38°F.
Add a splash of lemon: Adding a bit of lemon juice makes the juice tastier but also provides natural antioxidants that keep the juice fresh for longer.
Freeze for longer storage: If you need juice to last beyond a few days, freezing it is a great option. Just remember to leave a little room at the top of your container for expansion.
How to Store Cold-Press Juice
Storing your cold-pressed juice properly can make all the difference in preserving its nutritional benefits and flavor. Here’s how to keep your juice fresh for as long as possible:
Choose glass over plastic: Glass bottles help retain the juice’s taste and nutrient density better than plastic containers. They’re also easy to clean and won’t hold onto flavors or odors.
Refrigerate immediately: As soon as you make your juice, store it in the fridge to prevent any loss of essential nutrients. Cold temperatures slow down oxidation, keeping the juice fresh and flavorful.
Limit sun exposure: Keep juice away from direct sunlight, as exposure to UV rays can degrade the nutrient content over time.
Label and date each bottle: To keep track, label each container with the date it was made. Cold-pressed juice is best within 48–72 hours, so you’ll know when it’s time for a fresh batch.
Pro tip: We like to store juice in glass containers because it keeps that “just-made” taste for longer and is better for the environment, too.
Make Homemade Cold-Press Juice with Hurom
As you can see, using a Hurom juicer makes it easy to enjoy cold-pressed juice at home.
Plus, we made sure each glass of juice you enjoy is as healthy as can be.
Hurom’s Slow Squeeze Technology keeps the nutritional content of your fruits and veggies intact, which means you get a dense juice that’s full of flavor. Plus, Hurom juicers are designed to handle everything from soft fruits to tough stems, so you can create a variety of juices to fit your taste and health goals.
And we keep the process simple and easy to clean up.
Not sure what to pick? Browse our collection and compare juicers at your own pace!
How do they make cold-pressed juice? Cold-pressed juice is made using a slow pressing method of 40-100 rotations per minute, which extracts juice without creating excess heat. Avoiding high speeds is what keeps nutrients intact.
How do you cold press juice without a machine? If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a food processor to blend fruits and veggies, then strain the pulp through a fine cloth or cheesecloth to get a batch of juice that’s close to cold-pressed. Alternatively, you can mash the ingredients yourself by hand, but it will take much longer. Besides, you won’t get dry pulp as you would with a juicer, which means you’re losing lots of nutrients and healthy, soluble fiber.
What is the difference between cold press and juicing? Cold pressing is a type of juicing that avoids heat and high speeds, preserving more nutrients. Regular juicing typically means using a centrifugal juicer that creates more oxidation and may lose nutrients faster.
What is the 80/20 rule for juicing? The 80/20 rule suggests using 80% vegetables and 20% fruits in your juice. This helps keep the juice low in sugar but full of nutritional benefits.
What vegetables should not be juiced? Some vegetables, like raw potatoes, are best avoided in juices. Others, like beet greens and large amounts of cruciferous veggies, are best used in moderation due to their strong flavor or impact on digestion. Plus, you can’t even juice some fruits in the first place, like bananas.
Is it okay to drink cold-pressed juice every day? Yes, daily cold-pressed juice can be a great source of vitamins and minerals. Just remember to include a variety of fruits and veggies to get a wide range of nutrients and health benefits.
Thanksgiving is all about spending time with loved ones, sharing good food, and creating memories. This year, add a special touch to your holiday gathering with fresh, delicious juices and seasonal drinks.
Our collection of Thanksgiving drinks for the family will make your day even more memorable.
Here’s what we recommend.
Family-Friendly Thanksgiving Juice Recipes
1. Thanksgiving Cranberry Juice Recipe
Everyone loves this Thanksgiving cranberry juice recipe, kids included! It’s easy to make, fun to drink and loaded with fruity flavors perfect for the holiday.
4 lbs fresh cranberries
12 large white grapes
8 oranges (peeled)
6 limes
Handful of ice
10 fresh cranberries (for garnish)
10 orange slices (for garnish)
In a large pitcher, mix the cranberry juice, white grape juice, and orange juice.
Add a little lime juice to balance out the sweetness.
Pour the mix over ice and garnish with fresh cranberries and an orange slice.
2. Pumpkin Spice Juice
This juice is perfect for the Thanksgiving holiday season – not to mention healthy and great for the dessert table. Here’s how to prepare it:
8 cups pumpkin flesh (peeled and cubed)
4 apples (for sweetness)
4 large carrots (adds earthiness)
1-inch piece of fresh ginger (for warmth)
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and allspice)
1 tsp vanilla extract
Ice cubes
Juice the pumpkin, apples, carrots, and ginger.
Stir in the pumpkin pie spice and vanilla extract.
Serve chilled or over ice for a cozy fall drink.
3. Thanksgiving Jungle Juice
This colorful, fruity jungle juice is sure to be among your kids' absolute favorites.
6 cups white grape juice
4 cups orange juice
4 cups cranberry juice
1/2 cup lime juice
Handful of ice
10 black peppercorns
10 lemon wheels
10 orange twists
In a shaker tin, combine the white grape juice, orange juice, and cranberry juice with ice.
Add a touch of lime juice to balance the flavors, then double strain into individual cocktail glasses.
Garnish with a lemon wheel, orange twist, and a sprinkle of black peppercorns.
4. Cran-Apple Ginger Zing
This juice combines different aromas, which is why it’s such a great option. Cranberries are a bit tart, apples are sweeter, and ginger brings them together while adding a unique warmth to the taste. Try it; it will go perfectly with roast turkey and stuffing.
12 apples (about 1 ¼ apples per cup)
6 cups fresh cranberries (approximately 1 cup of cranberries yields ⅓ cup of juice)
4-inch piece of fresh ginger
1 ½ cups fresh lemon juice (about 6 lemons)
Handful of ice
Juice the apples, cranberries, and ginger.
Add lemon juice and pour over ice.
Stir gently before serving.
5. Spiced Orange and Apple Juice
This juice fits well with the warm, cozy flavors of pumpkin pie spice. If you’re making that particular Thanksgiving dessert, this juice will go deliciously well with it.
12 large oranges (peeled)
8 apples (cored)
4 large carrots
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 cinnamon sticks
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Handful of ice
10 apple slices (for garnish)
Use a cold-press juicer to juice your ingredients.
Stir in the pumpkin pie spice and a hint of vanilla extract for added flavor.
Add a cinnamon stick for warmth and stir gently.
Serve over ice and garnish with an apple slice.
6. Spiced Pear Delight
Pears combine well with cinnamon and nutmeg. This smooth juice is easy to make and goes well with Thanksgiving desserts like pies and cakes.
15 pears (1 pear yields about ½ cup juice)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 cup maple syrup
Handful of ice (optional)
Juice the pears.
Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and maple syrup to the juice and stir well.
Serve over ice with your Thanksgiving desserts.
7. Autumn Pomegranate & Beet Blend
This juice has a rich color and earthy flavors. We recommend you try it with roasted root vegetables and hearty Thanksgiving sides.
10 beets (1 beet yields about ½ cup juice)
8 pomegranates (2 pomegranates yield approximately 1 cup juice)
8 carrots (2 carrots make about 1 cup juice)
2 lemons (for brightness)
Handful of ice
Juice the beets, pomegranate seeds, carrots, and lemon.
Serve over ice for a vibrant, earthy juice that’s perfect for fall.
Family-Friendly Thanksgiving Mocktails
8. Thanksgiving Cranberry Punch
This Thanksgiving cranberry punch is an amazing pre-dinner drink packed with seasonal flavors. Plus, you can make it look festive for your Thanksgiving gathering by adding a few extra touches that we’ll share in a second.
4 cups cranberry juice
2 cups orange juice
1/2 cup simple syrup
1 cup fresh cranberries
10 orange slices
3 cups apple cider
5 cinnamon sticks
2 handfuls of ice
2 cups ginger ale
1 shaker tin
In a shaker tin, combine the cranberry juice, orange juice, and apple cider with ice.
Add simple syrup and a cinnamon stick for a festive autumn twist.
Shake well and double strain into a glass.
Garnish with fresh cranberries and an orange slice for a beautiful, festive touch.
9. Apple Cider Mocktail
This mocktail has a delicious combination of apple notes, lemon, and rosemary, so we bet it will remind you of apple pies fresh from the oven.
10 cups apple cider
1 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup lime juice
1 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup cinnamon syrup
Ice cubes (enough to fill glasses)
10 apple slices (for garnish)
10 fresh sprigs of rosemary (for garnish)
1 large shaker tin or punch bowl
Mix apple cider, lemon juice, lime juice, and maple syrup in a shaker tin with ice.
Shake vigorously and strain into a glass over ice.
Garnish with a fresh apple slice and a sprig of rosemary.
Family-Friendly Thanksgiving Punches
10. Maple Ginger Ale Punch
This punch is light and refreshing, with the perfect mix of holiday flavors. It’s ideal for serving at the dinner table or the dessert table.
6 cups ginger ale
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/3 cup lemon juice
5 fresh sprigs of rosemary
Handful of ice
10 orange slices (for garnish)
In a large punch bowl, combine the ginger ale, maple syrup, and lemon juice.
Add the fresh rosemary sprigs and orange slices.
Let the punch sit for a few hours (or even make it a day ahead) to let the flavors really come together.
Serve over ice to impress both the kids and the adults alike.
11. Pomegranate Party Punch
This non-alcoholic party punch is colorful, so it looks fun. That’s why it’s perfect for keeping the little ones excited throughout the holiday.
6 cups pomegranate juice
4 cups pineapple juice
2 cups soda water
2 cup fresh cranberries
4 tbsp ginger syrup
1 cinnamon stick
Handful of ice
10 brown sugar cubes (optional, for fun)
In a punch bowl, mix the pomegranate juice and pineapple juice over ice.
Add a splash of soda water for a bubbly twist, then stir in the ginger syrup and a cinnamon stick for warmth.
Pro tip: Kids will love adding a sugar cube to their glass for some extra fun. This punch makes the kids' table feel extra special.
Wrapping It Up: Easy Thanksgiving Juicing with Hurom
From kid-friendly juices to crowd-pleasing punches, these Thanksgiving drinks will bring a festive flair to your holiday celebration. These recipes go great with both the dinner and dessert tables.
And who knows, maybe some of these recipes will become your family’s seasonal favorites so you can start a new holiday tradition.
Of course, you first need the right ingredients – and the right juicer.
Pro tip: Hurom makes juicing easy (and not just at Thanksgiving.)
If you prefer pulp-free juice for big batches, the Hurom H320 is ideal for the holiday season. But if you enjoy a bit of healthy pulp, the Hurom H400 is a top choice with its easy-clean design and larger capacity.
So, browse our collection and find the perfect juicer for your needs.
Perfecta para una barbacoa de verano, un cóctel sencillo o para ayudar a los niños a hacer realidad sus sueños emprendedores, la limonada casera es increíblemente sencilla y deliciosamente refrescante cuando se prepara correctamente. Además, la vitamina C de los limones ayuda a aliviar la fatiga y, al mismo tiempo, a eliminar toxinas del organismo.
Beneficio de salud destacado:
1,5 tazas de jugo de limón
1,5 tazas de azúcar
6 tazas de agua
Para preparar un almíbar simple, combine partes iguales de azúcar y agua en una cacerola. Caliente a fuego medio, revolviendo de vez en cuando hasta que la mezcla esté transparente y el azúcar se haya disuelto. Deje que baje a temperatura ambiente o póngalo en el refrigerador para que se enfríe. (Nota: si está en apuros, siempre puede agregar el azúcar directamente a la jarra y revolver enérgicamente para disolverlo).
Corte los limones por la mitad y exprímalos con un exprimidor de cítricos Hurom. Asegúrese de conservar o desechar la pulpa, según sus preferencias. También puede utilizar su exprimidor de baja velocidad y agregar los limones cortados, que también incluirán algunos de los aceites de la cáscara.
Añade el jarabe simple, el jugo de limón y el agua restante a una jarra. Revuelve bien y ¡disfruta!
Consejos de limonada de Hurom:
Si bien los limones Meyer pueden ser difíciles de conseguir, son perfectos para hacer limonada. Por lo general, son más dulces y tienen un sabor más parecido al de la naranja, por lo que no necesitarás compensar la acidez con tanta azúcar como con los limones comunes. ¡Prueba y experimenta para encontrar una proporción que funcione para ti!
A la hora de elegir limones, busca siempre limones tiernos y pesados. Si tienes problemas para decidirte, prueba a elegir unos que tengan un tamaño similar al tuyo y siente cuál es más pesado. El limón más pesado será el más jugoso.
¿No sabes qué hacer con las cáscaras de limón que te sobran? ¡Mézclalas con un poco de licor para hacer una infusión, prepara cáscaras de limón confitadas o ralladura para ensaladas!
¡Un consejo más! Dejar que los limones alcancen la temperatura ambiente antes de exprimirlos ayuda a obtener el máximo rendimiento.
Galletas verdes: 50 g de espinacas 50 g de col rizada 70 ml de jugo
Galletas rojas: 70 g de tomates cherry 40 g de pimientos rojos 70 ml de jugo
Otros ingredientes
200g de harina 30 g de azúcar 3 g de polvo para hornear 2 g de sal 50 ml de aceite de oliva virgen extra
Dependiendo del color de las galletas que quieras hacer, prepara los respectivos ingredientes “en el exprimidor” y extráelos con tu exprimidor Hurom.
En un bol, añade el zumo de ① con el aceite de oliva virgen extra y, con la ayuda de un colador, añade la harina, el polvo para hornear, el azúcar y la sal. Mezcla hasta que no quede polvo visible.
Coloca la mezcla del paso ② sobre una superficie ligeramente espolvoreada con harina. Con un rodillo, extiende la masa hasta que quede uniforme y fina (aproximadamente del grosor de una galleta normal). Estira la masa con un rodillo de púas y córtala en las formas y tamaños que prefieras.
Colóquelo en una bandeja para hornear y hornéelo durante 12 a 15 minutos a 350 °F.
Consejo de Hurom:
Deje la masa (②) en el refrigerador durante aproximadamente una hora antes de extenderla para obtener mejores resultados.
1 manzana mediana (pelada, sin semillas) 1 zanahoria mediana 110 ml de jugo, 60 g de pulpa
Otros ingredientes
150g de harina 60 g de azúcar moreno 60 g de mantequilla (temperatura ambiente) 1 huevo (a temperatura ambiente) 3 g de polvo para hornear ½ cucharadita de canela en polvo 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva virgen extra sal
Prepare la manzana y la zanahoria pelándolas y cortándolas en trozos de 5 cm. Extráigalas con el exprimidor Hurom y reserve 110 ml de jugo y 60 g de pulpa.
Tamice la harina, el polvo para hornear y la sal en un bol y reserve.
Con una batidora eléctrica, combine la mantequilla y el azúcar moreno en un bol. Agregue el huevo, el jugo y la pulpa de ① y la canela en polvo y mezcle a mano. Agregue lentamente ② y mezcle bien con una cuchara grande de madera.
Coloque los capacillos en un molde para muffins y rellénelos hasta aproximadamente 1/8 de la parte superior. Hornee durante 25 a 30 minutos a 350 °F. Pinche el centro de uno de ellos con un palillo para ver si está completamente cocido.
Consejo de Hurom:
Puedes hacer scones con esta receta añadiendo más harina.
60 g de brócoli 50g de cebolla 200 ml de caldo de pollo
Otros ingredientes
1 cucharada de aceite de oliva virgen extra 10 g de mantequilla 50 g de queso cheddar rallado 40g de jamón 100 ml de nata fresca ½ cucharada de harina ½ cucharada de nuez moscada Sal y pimienta
Inserte los ingredientes “en el exprimidor” en su exprimidor Hurom y extraiga.
Mezclar el jugo extraído y la pulpa con la mantequilla y el aceite de oliva virgen extra en una olla. Hervir a fuego lento durante 10 minutos.
Mezclar la harina con la nata fresca y remover en la olla. Añadir el jamón y el queso y dejar hervir a fuego lento durante otros 10 minutos.
Añade nuez moscada. Sal y pimienta al gusto.
Consejo de Hurom:
Para obtener más textura, puede utilizar el colador grueso para obtener una pulpa ligeramente más grumosa.
1 naranja (pelada) 130g de zanahoria 2 g de jengibre 200 ml de caldo de verduras
Otros ingredientes
1 hoja de laurel 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva virgen extra ¼ cucharadita de tomillo seco 100 ml de leche 2 cucharaditas de harina Sal y pimienta
Prepara los ingredientes en el exprimidor. Pela la naranja antes de exprimirla y reserva un poco de cáscara de naranja.
Inserte los ingredientes del paso ① en su exprimidor Hurom y extraiga.
Combine el jugo extraído y la pulpa con la ralladura de naranja, el aceite de oliva virgen extra, el tomillo seco y la hoja de laurel en una olla y hierva a fuego lento durante 10 minutos.
Mezcla la harina con la leche y revuelve en la olla. Deja hervir a fuego lento durante otros 10 minutos. Salpimienta a gusto.
Consejo de Hurom:
Puedes comprar caldo de verduras para utilizarlo más fácilmente.
200 g de aceitunas negras (sin semillas) 50g de tomate secado al sol 30g de piñones tostados 20g de anchoas 20g de alcaparras 10 g de tomillo fresco (solo las hojas) 2 dientes de ajo (asados)
Otros ingredientes
100g de aceite de oliva virgen extra Sal y pimienta
Prepara los ingredientes en la licuadora. Utiliza solo hojas de tomillo (quítale el tallo).
Inserte los ingredientes del paso ① en su exprimidor Hurom y extraiga.
Combine el jugo extraído y la pulpa con aceite de oliva virgen extra, sal y pimienta.
Mezclar bien y servir.
Consejo de Hurom:
Dado que la anchoa ya es salada, es posible que no sea necesario condimentarla más con sal y pimienta.